I'm a bug

Bild zeigt Alexander Zeram
von Alexander Zeram

Walkin' in the brooding heat
I feel as though l' s canned.
Walking through that desert
my thoughts are growing lame.
If the moon should rise again
and the sun could stay -
if a man made love all night
and his girl would pray -
I'd recognize, I's betrayed.
Sometimes I can't complain -
sometimes I wanna cry.
I'd feel that life is hard to live,
I' d get a thought l'd rather die.

Many thoughts are frozen,
my ideas they are on ice!
Many ways to drop my will
and it may be the price -
to see that nothing's right!
Madness is an illness
and love might be an error.
The world is fullfillness
but hate comes from the devil!

God's an illusion
with his mass of promotion.
Devil can be hope
like an anti-dandruff-lotion!
But meanwhile I feel bored.
There are so many ones
with milliards in their pockets.
And there are too many guns
and violence in ev'ry rocket!

Hatred's spread all over the world
and it poisons ev'ry heart.
I could cease to weep and moan
but to love I couldn't start.

Love' s oozing into graves
and beauty's dying slowly.
Patience's dead already
justice's buried long ago.
War is our part-time game
- it's frightening,
yes …I know!

Oh, mama - just cut it short!
I can't hear you now!
Oh ,mama - don't cry, as hell
- I don' t hear you how!

I'm a bug,I ceased to be
as righteous as you wanted me
I'm a bug, I closed my eyes
for not to hear and not to see
- just wanna live to be!

Don' t try to seduce me
Don't try to change my mind!
Don' t try to seduce me
- I have changed my mind!

Don't try to reach my heart
Don't try to tell me lies.
I won't hear you
I won' t see you
I won't be near you
I won't feel you
I won't taste you
I won' t waste you

l' m a bug!
l' m a bug!
l' m a bug!

But don't you ever think

you're better than me!
